If you have a website or a product to sell then you will want traffic. Without visitors to your site or your product you will be going nowhere fast and simply telling your friends and relatives about what you are offering will quickly prove to be counter productive. So, if that is the case, how do you get traffic to your site$%:
There are several ways. Sure, telling friends will get a few visitors but they will hardly be targeted. Another way is to pay for advertising either via banner-type adverts or via Pay Per Click (PPC) for example. This will get you visitors real quick but if you don't convert them to paying customers then you will be paying for traffic that is next to useless.
Getting your site to the top of the search engines is another sure-fire way of generating traffic. But, it takes time and effort and when your are there, or nearly there, someone else will always be chasing your tail for that coveted position and if the search engines change their algorithms, then you may drop down the rankings real quick.
So, why not use articles instead$%: Why$%: Because they work.
By writing an article you can get your message across and gain valuable exposure. But, you can also get a valuable link and biography about yourself or your product in a "resource box" which most article directories allow you to have. This resource box can stimulate readers to find out more about you and the live link you provide can drive targeted visitors to your site. Targeted traffic is like gold dust.
And, furthermore, articles can be taken by web masters throughout the globe (complete with your resource box) and posted on their websites specially for their visitors, with a live link to you and your site. Soon, just one article can be snapped up and published on 200, 300 or even more websites, each one having a valuable one way link to you and what you are offering. The articles, and therefore the links, can stay there for years and bring you traffic for a very, very long time. Bingo!