
Some might call this stupid but if it gets me traffic. What the heck! Want to know how I got very long tailed keyword traffic to my site$%: This is so cool I just had to share with everyone. The only research tool I used was Overture. Yep that is right.

I started a new web browser and navigated to the Overture website and proceeded to use their Keyword Selector tool. I do not live in a metro area but the cities I live closest to have some pretty impressive traffic potential.

So for my first search I placed my city in the textbox and clicked the ole Search arrow. I have done this many times but for some reason today I looked at it differently.

Certain posts

The results started with the highest number being 4352 and that was the city itself. Too high to do anything with. But the others following that were interesting. The next highest number started at 3538 and it went down gradually to 481. The numbers did go lower but the bulk of the results between 481 and 3538 was what got my attention.

There were a total of 37 results that I was going to evaluate. Of those 37, and pay attention, 20 of them were car searches. Three dealt with Real Estate, three with the local news, and three more looking for actual city information. There were other results but the markets did not seem to matter to me.

So here is what I did. I created a single page called my city. I stripped out some text from our citys website and I added a fair amount of information concerning automobiles and what I though the people around here were looking for.

I then created a web page for each of the nineteen different car companies. I then added AdSense to each of the pages. I then uploaded the new pages and made sure they looked good. One more thing, I added a picture of each of the major cars on each page. Just one.

But here is the killer. I used the long tailed keywords from the Overture results to SEO the pages. By optimizing each of the pages to each of the respective keyword phrases. I am bound to get some of that searching traffic.

So if you see pitiful numbers in terms of potential niches try to look at them with a different perspective. I have already added a couple of other nearby cities to my website. So it works!

    創作者 esgbransonh 的頭像


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